CBW - Casa Bruno Wines
CBW stands for Casa Bruno Wines
Here you will find, what does CBW stand for in Food under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Casa Bruno Wines? Casa Bruno Wines can be abbreviated as CBW What does CBW stand for? CBW stands for Casa Bruno Wines. What does Casa Bruno Wines mean?The United States based company is located in Portland, Oregon engaged in wine and spirits industry.
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Alternative definitions of CBW
- Chemical/Biological Warfare
- Chemical Biological Warfare
- Convert Byte to Word
- Crash Bang Wallop
- Critical Band Width
- Crazy Backyard Wrestling
- Crash Bang Wallop
- Children Better Way
View 45 other definitions of CBW on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- CSPL Cadet Shoes Pty Ltd
- CFAS Cohen Fund Audit Services
- CPPLIMCL CPP Luxury Industry Management Consultants Ltd.
- COR Certified Oilfield Rentals
- CSC Columbia Skin Clinic
- CBC Chroma Building Corp.
- CLA Champions Life Academy
- CFP Champion Fire Protection
- CFL Craft Films Ltd
- CIUL Chemical Injection Utilities Limited
- CAP Care After Prison
- CRE Code Red Esports
- CFG Collins Financial Group
- CA The Congressional Award
- CFL The Communications Firm Ltd
- CASL Capital Area Soccer League
- CLF Coleman Law Firm
- CCA Cornerstone Church of Augusta
- CCCC Cultural Center of Cape Cod